When Martin Luther King Jr. Day comes around each year, it’s a good time to reflect on both the history of the civil rights movement and the civil rights struggles that our country is still facing today. Here’s a refresher.
The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday calls us to reflect on:
The lasting impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s work, words, and legacy
Issues of civil rights, past and present
The power of nonviolence to impact social change.
How we can further participate in public service (MLK Day is the only federal holiday that is designated by Congress as a National Day of Service).
What are Civil Rights?
Civil rights refer to protections that ensure that individuals can participate in society without discrimination. These protections are guaranteed by federal law. However, barriers for individuals to fully participate in society exist.
Where Can I Find Information about Civil Rights?
To start, you can visit the American Civil Liberties Union website to learn about your rights: https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights
Check out PBS’s Civil Rights Movement Milestones.
What are Examples of Current Civil Rights Struggles in the US?
Despite gains of the Civil Rights Act, more progress is needed to address ongoing civil rights struggles, including, but not limited to:
employment discrimination (LGBTQIA+, pregnancy, disability)
human trafficking
reproductive justice
the criminal legal system.
Reflection Prompts:
1. Consider your access to housing. Have you or a living relative had difficulty renting accommodation or obtaining a mortgage in their lifetime?
2. How many generations have all of your family members been legally able to vote? (We should also make this an instagram story/survey thingy)
3. What resources did your elementary and/or secondary school have?
Did you have up-to-date and functioning computers, tablets, or other technology?
Did your school have funds to provide food for students?
Did you have a curriculum with music, literature, and arts?
Looking for some ideas to follow up on this national day of service? Check out our next post!